Tagarchief: taccle2


This website is no longer updated. It will shortly be turned into another format (based on wordpress) to safeguard its content for future reference.

However lots of news stuff is available on the website of the succesor project TACCLE2. Have a look at www.taccle2.eu.

Recently we have started the TACCLE3 – Coding project which focusses at supporting teachers in primary education on the introduction of computational thinking www.taccle3.eu.

We keep organising TACCLE in-service training course. Courses are meant for funding under the Erasmus+ KA1 funding : http://taccle2.eu/news/taccle-courses-erasmus


The EU has accepted a proposal to continue with the TACCLE work. We have received a Comenius grant for a new project called TACCLE2. In this project we will focus on ICT in primary education, for teaching Mathematics science and technology (STEM), for humanities, for arts and culture and for some key competences.

The project has started in November 2011 and is now gathering information and preparing the writing process. The project will run for 3 years. More information will be available soon on www.taccle2.eu. If you are interested to particpate in the process of creating materials, for example by giving feed-back on an early edition of the publications, please contact our editor Jenny Hughes: jenhughes@mac.com