European Success story

The TACCLE-project has been selected by the European Commission as a “Success story”

“Success stories” are finalised projects that have distinguished themselves by their impact, contribution to policy-making, innovative results and/or creative approach and can be a source of inspiration for others. The choice of your project as a success story was made on the basis of a selection process according to rigorous criteria regarding the quality, relevance and results of your project.
As a consequence of this selection, visibility and acknowledgement will be given to your project, for instance on our websites, social media, and when preparing documentation for conferences or other events with high-ranking attendance.”

More information on Erasmus Plus Project


This website is no longer updated. It will shortly be turned into another format (based on wordpress) to safeguard its content for future reference.

However lots of news stuff is available on the website of the succesor project TACCLE2. Have a look at

Recently we have started the TACCLE3 – Coding project which focusses at supporting teachers in primary education on the introduction of computational thinking

We keep organising TACCLE in-service training course. Courses are meant for funding under the Erasmus+ KA1 funding :

TACCLE 1st course 2014

Creating your own e-learning content in school education and adult education

With this 6th in-service training which will run from 6 until 13 April 2014 in Urbino, Italy (reference number: BE-2013-268-001 Session 2 Comenius or BE-2013-267-001 Session 2 Grundtvig) our aim is to help teachers to develop state of the art content for e-learning in general and for learning environments in particular. We try to achieve this by training teachers to create e-learning materials and raising their awareness of e-learning in general. TACCLE will help to establish a culture of innovation in the schools in which they work. The training is geared to the needs of the classroom teachers but teacher trainers, ICT support staff and resource centre staff may find it useful too!
Continue reading TACCLE 1st course 2014

Ginco award for the TACCLE course

At the Third conference of the Ginco network of course organisers in Hasselt (Belgium) the Taccle course received a first price in the category of integrated ICT use.

The course has been selected for a GINCO award due to the use of ICT for course management and preparation. We intensively use ICT applications such as Google docs and forms to ensure an efficient registration process. On-line tools are also used by the trainers to prepare the course materials (Google docs, Skype, Dropbox).

More information in the 3rd GINCO newsletter and on
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The EU has accepted a proposal to continue with the TACCLE work. We have received a Comenius grant for a new project called TACCLE2. In this project we will focus on ICT in primary education, for teaching Mathematics science and technology (STEM), for humanities, for arts and culture and for some key competences.

The project has started in November 2011 and is now gathering information and preparing the writing process. The project will run for 3 years. More information will be available soon on If you are interested to particpate in the process of creating materials, for example by giving feed-back on an early edition of the publications, please contact our editor Jenny Hughes:

TACCLE presented at the Aqua-Tnet conference

Jens Vermeersch has shared the results of the TACCLE at the Aqua-Tnet anual coference near Faro (Portugal).Aqua-Tnet is the Erasmus thematic network in the field of aquaculture, fisheries and aquatic resources management. One of the aims of the network is to provide a platform for teachers working in the aquatic sector offering themexamples of innovatory teaching approaches, discuss your experiences of implementing ICT-based innovation in the class room, share information with other teachers, etc. It is precisely in this field that the TACCLE experience was of of great value.
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TACCLE 1st course 2012

Creating your own e-learning content in school education and adult education

With this fourth in-service training which will run from 15 until 22 April 2012 in Ancona, Italy (reference number: BE-2012-167-001 Comenius or BE-2012-168-001 Grundtvig) our aim is to help teachers to develop state of the art content for e-learning in general and for learning environments in particular. We try to achieve this by training teachers to create e-learning materials and raising their awareness of e-learning in general. TACCLE will help to establish a culture of innovation in the schools in which they work. The training is geared to the needs of the classroom teachers but teacher trainers, ICT support staff and resource centre staff may find it useful too!
Continue reading TACCLE 1st course 2012

Reprint German edition TACCLE book

The Institute of education of Rhineland Palatinate (Pädagogisches Landesinstitut Rheinland-Pfalz) has reprinted the German edition of The TACCLE book. They want to use the book for their continuing education courses with teachers. These courses want to introduce teachers to current Web 2.0-tools and their application in education. The TACCLE book fits this purpose in particular because there is no need of previous knowledge. With regards to content, the book starts at a very basic level and is therefor also approriate to Web 2.0-beginners.
More information: Mrs Ricarda Weller : ricarda.weller [at]

Update on 1st TACCLE courses

Our TACCLE in-service training courses prove to be very successful. After the first one in Urbino, which was organised despite travel problems caused by the Icelandic volcano eruption, we had a second one in 201O in Blankenberge on the Belgian coast. this edition focussed on social media. Learn all about it on the course blog:
One of the participants, Roli Straub, has also created a very interesing blog for teachers wanting to use ICT in their classroom:

Our third course is due in April 2011 in Ancona. With over 40 participants it is already fully booked.

The fourth course in Italy in 2012 will be announced very soon on this website