Tagarchief: projects

TeNeGEN project

Connecting TEachers to reach out to and teach the NEt GENeration or TeNeGEN is a Leonardo Transfer of Innovation project. It builds on the results of two earlier successful projects: SLOOP and NETIS. The SLOOP project (Sharing Learning Objects in an Open Perspective) demonstrated key concepts in e-learning 2.0; NETIS provided the philosophical, sociological, and pedagogical basis to support new paradigms of teaching and learning in the Information Society. The aim of the Tenegen project is to establish an European environment of ’connectivism’ for VET teachers and trainers, to show the significant advantages of being connected to the n-Gen instead of simply ’delivering’ knowledge through virtual classrooms and Learning Management Systems.
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Learning 2.0: The Impact of Web 2.0 Innovations on Education and Training in Europe

The research project “Learning 2.0 – the Impact of Web 2.0 Innovations on Education and Training in Europe” was launched by the Institute for Prospective Technological Studies (IPTS) in collaboration with the European Commission Directorate General Education and culture (DG EAC) at the beginning of 2008. The project aims to gather evidence on the take up of social computing by European Education and Training (E&T) institutions, to understand its impact on innovations in educational practice and its potential for a more inclusive European knowledge society, and to identify challenges and bottlenecks so as to devise policy options for Europe decision makers.
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